Module 3: DesigningTechnology-Enhanced Learning




Rationale: Why did you choose this particular tool or activity, and how does it meet the needs of diverse learners?

I chose these particular tools to use in this lesson plan because it is more than likely they will use these online learning platforms in the future and it is beneficial to the students to learn how to use them under the guidance of their teacher and fellow classmates, rather than alone. I chose this activity because it takes group communication and problem solving that in the end builds the students social skills while furthering their math education. This activity meets the needs of diverse learners because they have the opportunity to learn how to solve these math problems from other students rather than the teacher. This provides them with a different perspective of learning from kids their age.


Digital Citizenship: Describe how your design models responsible technology use and promotes digital citizenship among students.

This activity encourages responsible technology use and digital citizenship by promoting respectful and ethical collaboration online. Students work together on multiplication problems using Google Docs which allows them to contribute ideas and share solutions in real-time. Posting their work on Padlet creates a safe space for peer feedback, critical thinking, and awareness of digital footprints. The activity also establishes a baseline of education about privacy, security, and the importance of giving credit, ensuring students use digital tools responsibly.


Engagement and Inclusivity: Explain how the lesson encourages active participation and supports an inclusive classroom environment.

This lesson promotes active participation by having students work together on multiplication problems in Google Docs, where they can share ideas and strategies in real-time. Using Padlet to post their solutions encourages students to engage with each other’s work, offer feedback, and ask questions, fostering a collaborative learning environment. The lesson is inclusive by giving students the opportunity to express their understanding through text, drawings, or diagrams, catering to different learning styles. The small-group format makes sure all students are involved, and peer support helps everyone participate, creating a positive and supportive classroom atmosphere.

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